Having fun this week getting ready for the big day on Monday (10.30 in front of the Palace). On Wednesday evening I was invited to talk about TDHF on Monaco Radio with Malher and Nico who do an evening show called "Malher Allume la Télé" from 19h - 21h. It's a lot of fun as the two guys zap through what's currently showing on the TV, with gags, trivia, news..... pretty impressive to see up close. Thanks for the invitation guys - and hopefully during the ride we'll manage to keep in touch.
Beaucoup d'animation cette semaine en attendant le jour J (lundi 27 à 10h30 devant le Palais Princier). Mercredi soir j'étais l'invité de l'émission sur Monaco Radio "Malher Allume la Télé" pour parler du TDHF. Les animateurs Malher et Nico proposent tous les soirs (19h - 21h) un grand zapping en direct de toutes les chaines de télé, avec beaucoup d'humour, faits divers, informations .... bref c'est super impressionant et marrant. Merci les gars - j'espère pouvoir vous donner des nouvelles pendant le tour.
Mark, you look great ! Good luck for your incredible challenge and have fun !