4. Velaux - Montpellier

Thursday 30 May 2013

174 km

Elevation gain 751 m

Riding time 7h 00 mins

Average speed 24.9 km/h

Near Miramas le Vieux
The first half of the day was spent riding into a strong wind (Mistral) and the second half riding into an even stronger wind (Tramontane) ! The stage was very flat but it was a struggle to keep the speed up.The first part of the stage took me around the Etang de Berre, which despite being home to huge industrial sites still has some beautiful views. 

I still managed to enjoy the spectacular scenery of the Camargue which I reached in the ferry (Bac du Barcarin).

Horsey photo for Juliette

After battling against the wind all day, and looking a bit pale, I was very happy to reach the arrival point at Pirates Paradise in Montpellier, where I enjoyed an excellent (and huge) plate of pasta in the company of Monaco Consul Mr Loustau, restaurant owner Stéphane, and my bro in law Maxence.

2 commentaires:

  1. Alors t'es toujours à Velaux ou bien à bicyclette ?

  2. Have you seen Mamie Jeanine & Papy Coucoulou? Pity if you haven't, you could have enjoyed a couple of Tielles and a plate of Telines...
    What's the deal for the top14 finale? who do support and where will you see it?
    Pancho V. and the Walesharks
