La Boue

En effet, ses eaux chaudes et boues sont bénéfiques pour
traiter les rhumatismes (j’ai réservé ma place pour dans 20 ans !). Cette
activité économique procure une grande partie des emplois et de la richesse de
la ville.
Une légende raconte comment un chien devint le premier
curiste de Dax !

Dax is a town reputed since ancient times for its thermal baths, and attracts enough patients every year to be classed the number one thermal destination in France ! Indeed the hot springs and mud are good treatment for rhumatism (I've booked my place for a few years' time !). This activity creates a lot of the employment and wealth of the town.
A legend tells of how a dog became the first patient of Dax's thermal baths:
A Roman legionnaire who had to leave for a campaign and could not take his ageing and rhumatic dog with him was obliged to throw the animal into the muddy waters of the Adour (river passing through Dax) in order to drown it and abridge its suffering. But when he returned he was astonished to find the dog in fine health, leaping around like a puppy. The reputation of the healing mud of Dax was born... Today you can admire a statue of the soldier and his dog in front of the cathedral.
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