11. Bergerac - Brive

Friday 7 June 2013

116 km

Elevation gain 854 m

Riding Time 4 hrs 9 mins

Average Speed 28.0 km/h

Another very hot day today with very little wind and mainly flat terrain - good riding conditions which made this the shortest ride in terms of time on the bike since Stage 1.

Protest against new quarry near Bergerac
After a good night's sleep at the friendly Hotel de France in Bergerac, I set off just before 10am in the direction of Brive la Gaillarde. The first half of the ride took me along some small, picturesque roads where the time seemed to go very quickly.

The second half of the ride was on a busier and flatter main road - not so much fun, especially during the last few kilometers before Brive town centre. Here I had a couple of cars cut across in front of me - not as bike-friendly as Bordeaux.

Enjoy the scenery - I did !

I arrived in Brive at 3pm and met up with Philippe and (after a lovely cold beer) we went up to his house in the hills above Brive. We were later joined by Claire, Raphael and Armand.


4 commentaires:

  1. tous nos encouragements, très heureux d'avoir échanger lors de votre halte à bergerac, jerome delbasty restaurant- la Mama

    1. Merci Jérôme pour ce message - vous pouvez peut-être confirmer à ma femme que j'avais un bon appétit hier soir !!
      J'en profite pour recommander "La Mama" aux cyclistes et aux non-cyclistes - la salade périgourdine et les pâtes au saumon sont vraiment excellentes, et l'accueil très sympa.

  2. Laurence est inquiète pour ton appétit?

  3. Bien sur que oui! il était déjà pas bien épais avant de partir, je vais me le retrouver tout maigue!!!
