7. Toulouse - Marciac

Sunday 2 June 2013

121 km

Elevation gain 1,606 m

Riding Time 5h 01 min

Average speed 24.1 km/h

The rural Gers

Today's stage took me across the Gers department accompanied by Renaud and Anne (my Toulouse hosts), and ...Laurence who had come to Toulouse on Saturday morning :-). This meant I could ride without my bags on the bike :-). The weather was damp and cold with a bit of wind (but a lot less than the previous days).

We stopped off for a big lunch after two thirds of the stage - not sure that soup and confit de canard is good cyclists' food, but it certainly warmed us up after riding in 13-14 degrees temperature.

Jean Pierre on the AS Marciac pitch

We arrived in Marciac in good time and after the others had left I joined my hosts in Marciac, Jean-Pierre and Nicole. Jean-Pierre is President of AS Marciac rugby club and he showed me around the village, including the rugby club which is also the site of the summer jazz festival. 

Stage 7 done - with Renaud and Laurence

2 commentaires:

  1. quel plaisir de partager une bonne partie de manivelles avec Mark sur l'étape Toulouse - Marciac, certes plutôt "exigeante" (pas beaucoup de plat, ça monte ou ça descend tout le temps !), mais très conviviale finalement, de bons échanges sur le vélo et la présence de notre fan club (NDLR nos épouses)tout au long de la route.
    Notre champion est en excellente forme, et sera très dur à suivre lors des dernières étapes, avis aux amateurs !
    Enjoy Mark !

    1. Je vois que mon bluff a fonctionné - en fait c'était moi qui avais du mal à suivre le grimpeur des cols mythiques !!
